Debar...then i got this few tips from fb...hope its very useful for us...aameen...
Viva – 10 slides dan 33 soalan power !
Viva – 10 slides dan 33 soalan power !
Jgn terperanjat dgn post yang panjang.... pasal viva voce. Aku adalah skit pengalaman dalam viva…. termasuk viva secara teleconference. Kalau pengalaman dengar presentation dalam konferens tu memang banyaklah. Satu jer ayat yang aku boleh komen terhadap presentation tersebut – terover !!
Aku hanya nak focus pada viva voce yang membawa makna lebih kurang – oral examination for academic qualification. Tujuannya adalah antaranya:
a. buktikan ko menguasai kerja2 penyelidikan ko sendiri
b. menguji / clarify pemahaman ko dgn kajian yang dibuat dan isu2 lain dalam konteks yang lebih luas
c. memberi peluang ko memberikan apa sahaja rasional atau menjelaskan kemusykilan pembaca / examiners
a. buktikan ko menguasai kerja2 penyelidikan ko sendiri
b. menguji / clarify pemahaman ko dgn kajian yang dibuat dan isu2 lain dalam konteks yang lebih luas
c. memberi peluang ko memberikan apa sahaja rasional atau menjelaskan kemusykilan pembaca / examiners
Jadi viva adalah satu forum utk ko menunjukkan kepakaran ko secara verbal dalam masa 20 dan jgn lebih 30 minit. Ketahuilah bahawa examiners telahpun membaca dan menyediakan laporan thesis ko sebelum viva, maka mereka dah tahu apa yang ko buat, sekadar inginkan penjelasan lanjut. Jadi jgn nak jelaskan secara detail…. Ini kan membosankan examiners atau akan membuka ruang pertanyaan baru dalam kepala examiners.
Oleh itu slide yang ko sediakan hanya sebagai ringkasan apa yang ko nak jelaskan secara verbal…. malah ko akan kelihatan cuba “membengongkan” examiners jika menyediakan slide yang wordy then membaca setiap perkataan satu persatu – oh betapa boringnya viva sebegitu !!
Aku tahu… ko berkobar2 nak ceritakan semua yang ko buat…. tapi itu BUKAN MATLAMAT viva voce dan examiners pun TAK HINGIN nak tahu semua yang ko dah buat…. sebab merekapun dah baca thesis ko tu…..
Aku cadangkan ko sediakan 10 slides dah memadai menggunakan PowerPoint…. utk ko tuliskan Point yang Power sahaja. Jgn cuba nak jelaskan semuanya…. atau takut ada yang tertinggal sebab examaners masih boleh bertanya jika nak tahu apa2 yang mungkin ko tak sentuh dalam persembahan oral ko.
Aku merayu…. Tolong jgn copy-n-paste apa yang ko tulis dalam thesis…. Tolonglah tulis point2 sahaja secara ringkas. Contohnya jika ko tulis objective, tak yah lagi RQ atau hipotesis. Objective pun ko ringkaskan dalam satu pernyataan mudah sahaja.. sebab pernyataan lengkap dah ada dalam thesis yang berada pada tangan examiners. Ingat.... viva adalah persembahan BEBAS..... bukan terikat dgn mana2 prosidur....
Bro.... jika dlm competition 3-minute thesis calon phd boleh jelaskn kajian mereka dlm 3 minit diiringi 1 slide sj... takkan ko x boleh jelaskn dlm 20 minit dgn 10 slides !!!
Berikut slide yang aku cadangkan:
- Thesis Statement (1 slide)
- Objective / Research Questions/ Hypotheses (1 slide)
- Literature Review / Theoretical Framework (1 slide)
- Method (1 slides)
- Data Collection (1 slide)
- Data Presentation (1 slide)
- Main Findings (2 slides)
- Conclusion / Implication (1 slide)
- Extra: Senaraikan publication sbg bukti novelty / contribute to knowledge (1 slide)
- Objective / Research Questions/ Hypotheses (1 slide)
- Literature Review / Theoretical Framework (1 slide)
- Method (1 slides)
- Data Collection (1 slide)
- Data Presentation (1 slide)
- Main Findings (2 slides)
- Conclusion / Implication (1 slide)
- Extra: Senaraikan publication sbg bukti novelty / contribute to knowledge (1 slide)
Satu lagi…. Tolong jgn humble tak bertempat spt berkata “Kajian ini masih jauh dari perfect bla.. bla…” atau “Metodologi kajian ini banyak kelemahan…” biarlah examiners yang komen… dan ko relex jangan lak ko panic ! Ramai2 kawan2 ko yang kena hentam tapi akhirnya tersenyum dengan minor correction !!
Semasa present:
1. Ini sesi ko sendiri so relax brother relex !!
2. Berlatih banyak2 supaya idea ko clear dan mengalir lancar
3. Dengar soalan baik2 dan minta penjelasan kalau ko tak faham...
4. Kalau soalan yang ditanya tak terjangkau dek aqal sebab Prof tu sengaja nak tunjuk dan ek dgn kehebatan dia.... be honest....jgn ko klentong plak... maybe itu satu perangkap..... better jawab "Tqvm for the question but honestly I can answer the question coz its beyond the scope of my study / I haven't come across the answer.... but I will find it out asap.... lebih kuranglah....
2. Berlatih banyak2 supaya idea ko clear dan mengalir lancar
3. Dengar soalan baik2 dan minta penjelasan kalau ko tak faham...
4. Kalau soalan yang ditanya tak terjangkau dek aqal sebab Prof tu sengaja nak tunjuk dan ek dgn kehebatan dia.... be honest....jgn ko klentong plak... maybe itu satu perangkap..... better jawab "Tqvm for the question but honestly I can answer the question coz its beyond the scope of my study / I haven't come across the answer.... but I will find it out asap.... lebih kuranglah....
Aku ingin mengemukakan semula post aku yang lepas akan 33 soalan yang ko kena prepare dan jawab sendiri sebelum masuk bilik viva… manalah tahu ada yang masih berminat nak share:
1. What is the topic of your research area?
2. What is your study about?
3. What made you think that your study is worth doing?
4. What is the main problem / issue are you going to tackle?
5. What is the main debates related to the problem/issue?
6. What is the current debates related to the problem/issue?
7. Generally, what the literature says about the problem / issue?
8. How are you going to tackle the problem / issue?
9. What is the contribution (to the body of knowledge) of your study in your field?
10. What are the main problem statement for your study?
11. What is your expected finding before starting your study?
12. How did you review previous studies?
13. Who is the main authors / experts / leading researcher in the area of your investigation?
14. Can you mention 3 main journals you have reviewed related to your field?
15. Now, can you mention the title of your study
16. What is the ‘novel’ / "original' aspect of your study?
17. What are the variables involved in your study, and why you decided to choose them?
18. Briefly explain the theoretical / conceptual framework underpinnings your study?
19. What is the research design of you study? Why used quantitative not qualitative or not mixed method (or vice versa)
20. What instrument are you going to use – pilot test, validity and reliability?
21. How did you analyse your data?
22. How the statistical analysis used in your study appropriate to answer your research questions?
23. Have you tested all the assumption related to your data?
24. How did you get your sample? What is your sampling technique?
25. How far can you generalise the finding?
26. Can you summarize the main finding of your study?
27. Is there any direct impact in term of the practical implication of the finding?
28. Are you satisfied with the outcome of your study – If not, how could you improve your study / procedure / framework?
29. What aspects of your methodology differ from others?
30. Have you faced any difficulty in conducting your study, and how did you overcome it?
31. What is the best advice or recommendation can you give to the future candidate related to this topic?
32. Can you now consider yourself as an expert in this field? Why?
33. Why do you think that your thesis has achieved the PhD /Master standard / level?
2. What is your study about?
3. What made you think that your study is worth doing?
4. What is the main problem / issue are you going to tackle?
5. What is the main debates related to the problem/issue?
6. What is the current debates related to the problem/issue?
7. Generally, what the literature says about the problem / issue?
8. How are you going to tackle the problem / issue?
9. What is the contribution (to the body of knowledge) of your study in your field?
10. What are the main problem statement for your study?
11. What is your expected finding before starting your study?
12. How did you review previous studies?
13. Who is the main authors / experts / leading researcher in the area of your investigation?
14. Can you mention 3 main journals you have reviewed related to your field?
15. Now, can you mention the title of your study
16. What is the ‘novel’ / "original' aspect of your study?
17. What are the variables involved in your study, and why you decided to choose them?
18. Briefly explain the theoretical / conceptual framework underpinnings your study?
19. What is the research design of you study? Why used quantitative not qualitative or not mixed method (or vice versa)
20. What instrument are you going to use – pilot test, validity and reliability?
21. How did you analyse your data?
22. How the statistical analysis used in your study appropriate to answer your research questions?
23. Have you tested all the assumption related to your data?
24. How did you get your sample? What is your sampling technique?
25. How far can you generalise the finding?
26. Can you summarize the main finding of your study?
27. Is there any direct impact in term of the practical implication of the finding?
28. Are you satisfied with the outcome of your study – If not, how could you improve your study / procedure / framework?
29. What aspects of your methodology differ from others?
30. Have you faced any difficulty in conducting your study, and how did you overcome it?
31. What is the best advice or recommendation can you give to the future candidate related to this topic?
32. Can you now consider yourself as an expert in this field? Why?
33. Why do you think that your thesis has achieved the PhD /Master standard / level?
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